Vendor Risk Software Solutions

by | Mar 23, 2016

The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is responsible for developing and testing today’s information technology infrastructure. This organization works each year to manage and provide guidelines for effective security for federal information systems. Their role in keeping the data of all Americans much safer has taken on increased significance due to the many data breaches of the last few years. These recent cyber threats have impacted Americans and the way we all do business, even penetrating into government records that were thought to be fully secure.

Vendor Risk Management Programs

In many cases, investigations have shown that large data breaches were possible because of poor third-party vendor security measures. Regardless of how innovative your corporation’s security measures are, you can be left vulnerable by third-party risks. Today, security risk solutions should include a thorough 3rd party assessment. Though many companies have recognized this as a weakness in their infrastructure, the solution can be highly complex.

Risk Management Security

That’s why Cybernance has created a multilayer program that addresses all components of maintaining secure records. This solution enables both directors and third-party vendors to find the right balance between cost-effectiveness and increased Internet security. Our programs are continually growing to meet the rising threat of cyber breaches. Please contact us to find out how we can help your company mitigate vendor risk and improve vendor security. Cybernance has the solution you need to handle vendor risk management.

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The fact is that victims often want to allocate blame when something goes wrong. This can leave the directors and managers in a company at risk.

Third Party Risk Assessment Management

Today’s savvy CISO’s understand third party risk assessment. With so many data breaches taking place each year, consumers are understandably upset.

Boardroom & Director Training for Cybersecurity

As Americans go about their regular activities, they must be constantly concerned whether their credit card information is truly secure.

Do You Have the Best D&O Policy?

An exceptional D&O policy will not only protect your personal assets from these threats, but it can also give you peace of mind.

Best Practices in Vendor Management

Hackers now seem to have no trouble getting into the most highly protected systems. This is the problem facing many third-party vendors today.

Cyber Thefts Made Worse By a Failure to Communicate at High Levels

In times of a cyber breach, fast communications are crucial to stop it. Yet many corporate heads are not sure how to handle the cyber risk issue.

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