Best Practices in Vendor Management

by | Apr 6, 2016

Cyber breaches are a growing concern all over the world. Hackers now seem to have no trouble getting into the most highly protected systems. Imagine how vulnerable smaller companies must feel when even the US government can’t protect itself against intrusion. This is the problem facing many third-party vendors today. They’re struggling to survive in a world where every contract is important. But limited resources can leave a third party vendor scrambling to afford better protection for its online records.

Vendor Risk Solutions

Vendors play an important role in today’s business world but many can’t afford the high level of protection necessary to protect online data from intruders. However, with the personal assets of CFOs and CEOs at stake, it’s a problem that must be dealt with. Directors and managers have to protect themselves against litigation while trying to give their customers better cyber security.

Vendor Security Assessment

Third party vendor risk management can be complex and the guidelines often change with every new cyber breach. This can leave your team looking for better solutions and Cybernance has the answer. We understand the scope of today’s cyber vulnerability, but ecommerce is here to stay and that means that better solutions must be found.

Get the Cybernance Solution

Cybernance has developed a comprehensive corporate strategy that expertly addresses the risks of doing business with third party vendors. We assist you with a multi-level suite of programs that makes it safe once again to work with third-party vendors. Please contact Cybernance today to learn more.

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