The Cybernance Platform – Key Users
Cybernance Platform Users
Cybernance creates success by enabling collaboration. Cybersecurity is more than a technology issue: effective cyber risk management happens when there is common ground between a diverse set of leaders and stakeholders.
Internal Audit
How can internal auditors deliver objective assurance about cyber risk to the board?
Because cyber is a board-level issue, the internal audit function is a natural stakeholder in the process of assessing, measuring, and reporting on cyber risk and mitigation efforts. The audit function plays a key role in the success of a Cybernance Platform deployment.
General Counsel
How can General Counsel play an effective role in addressing cyber risk liability?
A major component of cyber risk is the potential liability following a breach – boards are concerned for customers, the company and themselves. General Counsel needs to understand the implications of these risks, and along with internal audit plays a big role in interpreting the insights generated by Cybernance.
How can technology and security leaders create a culture of security advocates?
The custodians of information technology and information security live at the center of any discussion about cybersecurity and cyber risk. They are the experts, the guardians and the gatekeepers. But they cannot do the job alone – their role requires support from leadership, and active collaboration with others whose activities depend on information resources. Cybernance creates common ground for the CIO/CISO to engage with key collaborators.
Risk Management
How can risk managers apply their methods to emerging risks from cybersecurity?
The Cybernance Platform is built using risk management frameworks that focus on not only security, but resilience. Cyber risk management is successful when it prioritizes an understanding of the trade-offs between operational flexibility and security. Risk Managers are thus a critical stakeholder and frequent user of the Cybernance Platform.
How can executive managers create a risk-aware culture of cybersecurity?
Cyber risk does not live in a few silos within the organization; it permeates the entire enterprise. Effective management requires executive-level support and sponsorship. Key stakeholders like those above will succeed when executives treat cyber as a strategic priority. Cybernance enables those leaders to effectively manage by understanding the role played by each stakeholder.
Board of Directors
How can boards exercise their duty of care when it comes to cyber risks?
Corporate boards recognize cyber as a strategic risk and a high priority. They also recognize it as a potential opportunity to excel as leaders in risk management. Cybernance uses national standards to help boards understand and address the issue in a systematic way by asking well-informed questions setting priorities based on an understanding of the enterprises’ holistic cyber capabilities.
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