Company News

Why your cyber policies are failing you from the inside out

Jun 14, 2017

[icon name=”newspaper-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] The Paypers

When it comes to cybersecurity, organizations are increasingly falling victim to a critical case of retrospection. For too long, organizations have waited until a breach occurs before they evaluate their cyber policies, but by that point the irreversible (and often financially devastating) damage has already been inflicted. This cycle is perpetuated by the natural breakdown of people, policies and procedures within an organization over time, which leaves financial institutions vulnerable to breaches – both internally and on the perimeter.

The policies and procedures we live by every day, like locking or not locking our cars, are the ones that have the strongest influence on our adaptation to the needs and challenges in our environment – and that application has a similar effect in business. Policies and procedures that protect your company and its stakeholders must be supported and engaged regularly to make a long-term and successful impact.

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