While we avoid promotion in this blog, Cybernance has had significant coverage lately, including a Forbes interview, that is worth sharing with this audience.
All Hands On Deck -- Why Cyber Risk Governance Spans Whole Enterprise
Interview with CEO Mike Shultz and Gen. Don Cook (Forbes)
Since cyber risk and liability can be financially devastating to a company, Cyber Risk Governance is a critical business issue. Christopher Skroupa of Skytop Strategies interviews Mike Shultz, Cybernance CEO, and Don Cook, retired USAF general and member of several corporate boards, about what it takes for directors and executive management to oversee cyber risk effectively – treating it as part of enterprise risk, assessing against a national standard, and engaging the entire organization.
Note To The C-Suite: It’s Time To Stop Avoiding Cyber Risk Governance
Article by CEO Mike Shultz (InformationSecurityBuzz)
The $350 million drop in the valuation of the company’s acquisition by Verizon made it clear that technology alone won’t overcome a lack of management and board commitment to protect an enterprise from cyber risk. Pending actions in Congress and in 35 state legislatures point toward future national assessment and possibly certification of agencies and companies. Shultz discusses the roles that different parts of an organization should play in turning cyber risk governance into the team sport that it needs to be.
Mar. 29 Press Release
Several weeks ago, the Cybernance Platform was awarded a SAFETY Act Designation by the Department of Homeland Security. Gaining approval required passing a significant vetting process that evaluated the technology and the company. Cybernance is one of the only cyber risk governance platforms that has received this award, which provides a high level of liability and risk management protection from third-party action in the event of an act of cyber terrorism.