Cybersecurity Governance News – 3/25/16

by | Mar 25, 2016

Mounting cyber risks are reaching the point where they adversely effect insurance ratings. The entire organization must be involved in preventing breaches.

How to Fix America’s Failing Cybersecurity Capabilities

FoxNews Facebook, Mar. 22
There are currently 209,000 unfilled positions for cybersecurity workers in the United States. Worldwide, the figure totals roughly 1 million. That shortfall is expected to get worse. Global demand for cybersecurity expertise is on track to reach 6 million positions by 2019…

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Increasing Board Engagement with Cyber Risk

Cybergovernance Journal, Mar. 21
Reputation damage, shareholder lawsuits, and regulatory actions are significant threats to valuation. Boardroom engagement in cybersecurity is mandatory. When directors actively participate in managing cyber risk, they rely on an ecosystem that provides the tools they need.

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Loading Up on Cyber Risk Could Be a Negative for Insurers' Ratings

Business Insurance, Mar. 21
While cyber coverage “represents a rare bright spot of positive premium rate movement” for the commercial insurance market, insurers “likely already have a considerable amount of cyber exposure embedded in existing commercial, property and liability policies…

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Report: Logged 316 Cybersecurity Incidents

ABC News, Mar. 23
Although GAO said the administration is making progress, its report concluded that security flaws “will likely continue to jeopardize the confidentiality, integrity and availability of” Federal computer systems — from the Defense Department to the White House — are frequent targets for hackers…

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The Race to Cybersecurity and the Ensuing Privacy Debate

Government Health IT, Mar. 3
Private companies that volunteer information will receive liability protection against what Congressman Michael McCaul, Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee referred to as “the reality of unfounded litigation…”

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How Security Risks Are Changing Organizational Norms

Security Intelligence, Mar. 23
The unmistakable explosion of successful online attacks across almost every industry in the past several years has driven most business executives to radically change their views and handling of the IT security function. Now, IT security is expected to explain to the senior levels of an organization exactly how risks will be handled…

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In Memoriam: Andy Grove

LinkedIn Pulse, Mar. 22
When an industry icon whom you met decades ago passes away, the memories flood in..

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Image: Intel Free Press/Flickr UNDER A CC BY-SA 2.0 LICENSE


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