Press Release

Cybernance Announces First and Only Industry Remote Audit Capability on the Cybernance Platform

Critical feature provides certified audit assessments for advanced cyber security protections for all users

Austin, Texas, US—September 29, 2021 – Cybernance Corporation, Austin, Texas, today announced a major extension of its cyber maturity and risk platform to now include a fully featured audit capability. The Cybernance Platform is based on industry and government developed and accepted Frameworks, NIST Cyber Security Framework and FFIEC Cyber Assessment Tool. The newly released audit feature is the first and only audit capability that facilitates the ability to perform a complete and certified audit of the assessments onsite or remotely. With ever increasing cyber risks, businesses and government have been clamoring for the ability to audit the cyber risk of partners, vendors, and insureds.

The audit of these standardized assessments is critical to the defense from information breaches and ransomware events. The Cybernance audit capability substantially reduces the time and expense of the audit process while enabling critical analysis and reporting for C-suite and boards of directors. The increased knowledge of risk to the enterprise provides valuable data upon which executives can make decisions on managing risk within the organization.

Cybernance has partnered with a major accredited training and certification firm to provide training, testing and certification of auditors. Auditors will be able to audit against both the NIST Cyber Security Framework and FFIEC Cyber Assessment Tool directly on the Cybernance platform. The ability to execute a remote audit provides a significant advantage in reducing time and costs.

“The 400 percent rise in ransomware during the pandemic highlights the need for organizations to increase their resilience against attacks through comprehensive and auditable cyber risk management,” said Bob Barker Cybernance Chief Strategy Officer, “To address the anticipated market demand for highly competent cyber auditors, we have developed our platform’s audit capabilities and are partnering with leading organizations to continue to evolve and meet the ever-changing threat situation.

Today more than 10,000 US financial institutions and perhaps up to 150,000 Department of Defense contractors and vendors are required to perform fully audited results of cyber audits. Today the only way to perform cyber audits is onsite at the organization. The Cybernance Audit feature allows the entire audit process to be managed remotely providing a significant reduction of time, expense and disruption of the organization associated with onsite audits. We expect all industry’s to rapidly adapt and accept the Cybernance Audit processes in the Platform for fully certified audits performed remotely.

Additionally, Cybernance’s standard pricing of “one product/one price” will apply to all users and incur no additional charge for the enhanced capability.

For further information please contact:
Karen Zelina
T: +1-512-294-3004
E: [email protected]

About Cybernance Corporation

Cybernance is the cyber risk governance platform that regulated industries, public companies, educational institutions and government agencies rely on to effectively oversee and manage cyber risk. Based on the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, the Cybernance Platform is an internal control system that provides deep visibility into the people, processes, and policies within an entire organization so business and agency leaders can easily mitigate and document all cyber risks. With Cybernance, departments work seamlessly together in an online platform that provides company-wide risk reporting through dashboards and a proprietary risk scoring system that gives executives and board members peace of mind and third-party liability protection in the event of cyber terrorist activity. Visit for more information, and follow Cybernance on Twitter and LinkedIn.

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