Cybergovernance Journal Update – 7/8/2016
At the federal and state levels, the U.S. government is making several moves to assist cybersecurity best practices; by establishing a federal CISO, ongoing cyber dialogs with China and increasing use of private, secure cloud networks for state business.
Let’s Declare Cyber Independence Day!
Cybernance Journal, July 5
Lacking universally applied standards for cyber risk mitigation, it is very challenging to gauge the relative danger that one company faces versus another. 150 years ago the fire insurance industry evolved after a number of misfire and discoveries. The cyber insurance industry can mature much faster by studying the lessons found in the history of the fire insurance industry…
Data Breach: $4M… Responding Quickly: Priceless.
CSO, June 15
This year’s data uncovered a 64 percent increase in reported security incidents between 2014 and 2015. Meanwhile, the study found that companies now lose some $158 per compromised record. In highly regulated industries like healthcare, the damage is even worse, reaching $355 per record…
Federal CISO: Shot in the Arm for Private Sector?
VB, July 2
Establishing a federal CISO creates a single point of responsibility and accountability in the country – a “the buck stops here” type of position. It gives both public and private sector organizations someone to look to for inspiration and best practices — someone who knows what they’re talking about and can be looked at as an authority…
Why Government Security Belongs in the Cloud
GCM, June28
As the cyber landscape grows and pressure on government increases to secure information, don’t be surprised if state and local agencies lead the trend of deploying security solutions in the cloud…
What’s Next for the U.S. and China in Cybersecurity
WSJ, July 5
There’s already been significant progress in the last two or three years. Some people say there won’t be much more progress until there’s a major cyberattack. Something else that might create movement is a growing threat from nonstate actors, like cybercriminals or terrorists, which is already happening…
UK Government is to Blame for Cyber-Skills Gap
SC Magazine, July 4
The reason there is a cyber-skills gap in the UK is onerous security checks imposed by government and its inability to introduce more appropriate procedures…
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