Cybergovernance Journal Update – 6/3/2016
The $18M bank heist in Bangladesh is a case study in the result of not having a comprehensive cybersecurity plan in place. But which plan is best? NIST? The developing European approach?
Is the Government Using Its Own Cybergovernance Standards?
LinkedIn Pulse, May 31, 2016
The NIST Cybersecurity Framework has won universal acclaim. Governmental and private organizations concerned about risk routinely recommend or demand following its guidelines. It has become the “gold standard” for cyber risk mitigation.
Fed Records Show Dozens of Cybersecurity Breaches
Reuters, June 1, 2016
The disclosure of breaches at the Fed comes at a time when cybersecurity at central banks worldwide is under scrutiny after hackers stole $81 million from a Bank Bangladesh account at the New York Fed.
Insiders in the $81M Bank Heist?
ZDNet, May 31
It emerged last week that those behind the heist actually targeted the computer of a Bangladeshi official to conduct the theft. A small portion of the stolen funds have been recovered, but Bangladesh officials are still considering the prospect of taking the US financial system to court to recover the remainder.
Optus Partners with Macquarie University on $10M Cybersecurity Hub
Delimiter, May 31
The hub will cover three academic areas: computing and IT, business and economics and security studies and criminology, and will focus on providing a “holistic approach” to cybercrime, how it is carried out, how it affects the economy and impacts policy.
Cybersecurity: The Case for a European Approach
openDemocracy, May 27
The same core values, laws and norms that apply in the physical world apply also in the cyber domain: (1) the Internet is a public or collective good that should be available and accessible to all; (2) the governance model for Internet should be democratic; and (3) cyber security policy should be a shared and multi-stakeholder responsibility.
LabMD CEO: FTC Acts as “Self-Appointed Cybersecurity Cop”
FierceHealthIT, June 1, 2016
The problem is that regulatory agencies are not experts in the area they’re regulating, he says. It also creates a quagmire when companies that do have industry information are required to turn it over to the government.
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