Cybergovernance Journal Update – 4/21/17

by | Apr 21, 2017

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Addressing cybersecurity effectively may seem like an undue burden and waste of institutional resources — until you are hit with a breach.

Cyber Losses Testing Insurance Policy Boundaries

Insurance Journal, Apr. 13
Now that cyberattacks and data breaches have become common, insurers and risk managers are struggling to assign the resulting costs and losses among different types of insurance…

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Cultivating a Cybersecurity-First Corporate Culture

SC, Apr. 17
Changing a company’s culture, much like that of a city, may not be easy or quick, but it is also far from impossible. The first step is getting buy-in from the staff by making sure everyone knows that each and every one of them truly has an important role to play…

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We’ve Been in the News

Cybergovernance Journal, Apr. 17
While we avoid promotion in this blog, Cybernance has had significant coverage lately, including a Forbes interview, that is worth sharing with this audience…

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Report: 80% of Surveyed Boards List Cybersecurity as #1 Risk

PR Newswire, Apr. 19
When asked about the top risks that the board is focused on, respondents ranked cyber as No. 1. Fifty-four percent reported that the audit committee has primary responsibility for cybersecurity oversight, and 14% of noted that they had added a board member with cyber experience in the past two years…

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Cyber Insurance Becomes a Must for More Manufacturers

WSJ, Apr. 17
In the event of a cyberattack that shuts down a factory, manufacturers may not be covered by existing policies. Many property and casualty, or P&C, policies require physical damage before they pay, explained Ben Beeson, cyber risk practice leader at Lockton…

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BSI Backs Metrics as It Moves on Certification Under NIST Framework

Inside Cybersecurity, Apr. 19 [subscription]
The British Standards Institution is supporting the use of metrics for measuring the effectiveness of a voluntary framework of cybersecurity standards as part of a proposed update by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. BSI Group’s support for metrics as nothing new in the context of standards is in stark contrast to other business groups that are urging NIST to convene an extensive round of talks with industry on the issue…

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