Cybergovernance Journal Update – 4/15/2016
The price of reducing cyber risk is constant vigilance. It is not a duty reserved for the IT department or a few executives, but an organization-wide effort of compliance and training.
What’s the Half-Life of Cyber Risk Compliance?
Cybergovernance Journal, Apr. 11
“Being secure can help with achieving compliance; in fact, compliance can be a by-product of security, but security is not automatically a by-product of compliance. You can be compliant without being secure…”
Cybersecurity to Help Businesses Deliver Digital Growth Strategies
ZDNet, Apr. 13
64% of executives believe cybersecurity is fundamental to their digital growth strategy, with nearly one third believing the primary purpose of cybersecurity is to be a growth enabler, while another 44% believe cybersecurity is a competitive advantage…
Cybersecurity Steps Every Board Member and C-suite Professional Should Take
City A.M., Apr. 1
Only 13% of the most vulnerable non-executive directors (NEDs) are briefed regularly on relevant cybersecurity legislation and regulation, and just 8% are regularly updated on the types of threats and sources that are pertinent to their businesses…
Fixing Cybersecurity’s Talent Gap
Christian Science Monitor, Apr. 13
Don’t know how to write a line of code? That may not matter, said Simone Petrella, chief cyberstrategy officer at the cybersecurity firm CyberVista. Other key ingredients for successful cybersecurity pros are curiosity and passion…
FDIC Reinforces Board’s Role in Cybersecurity Preparedness
JD Supra, April 12
The FDIC reminds community bank directors that they should ensure that senior management has established appropriate risk management policies and procedures for “cyber risk”…
Putting Cybersecurity Culture in the Spotlight
GCN, Apr. 13
For public and private sector security executives, the emphasis increasingly is on making sure their employees aren’t taking the bait on attacks. That makes it important for government agencies to constantly train both new and current employees on risk factors and actions that could open the door to an attack.