Cybergovernance Journal Update – 2/3/17

by | Feb 3, 2017

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So you’ve finally committed your organization to a solid cybersecurity plan. How do you plan to monitor progress and find weaknesses?

3 Ways to Achieve Operational Excellence Through Cyber Risk Governance

LinkedIn Pulse, Jan. 31
Continuously monitoring and enhancing the cybersecurity infrastructure that supports online services will improve operational excellence…

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Risk, Governance, and Compliance is All about Visibility

GigaOM, Feb.1
“The cybersecurity risks organizations face are forcing organizations to invest significantly in cybersecurity technology, but what is missing is a platform to evaluate their overall preparedness and governed situational awareness…”

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Recent Developments in the Protection of Financial Data

JDSupra, Jan. 27
Recent actions by regulatory authorities reflect the current focus on improving financial services cybersecurity and illustrate different forms such actions may take: new or revised regulations (by the New York DFS; FRB, OCC and FDIC; and CFTC), raising awareness (as in the FinCEN advisory) and enforcement (most recently by FINRA)…

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National Cybersecurity Strategy Suggested in New Report

HealthIT Security, Jan.27
The Center for Strategic and International Studies released a report on improving the nation’s cybersecurity strategy, focusing on stronger cyber hygiene and reducing cybercrime…

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Trump Postpones Cyber Executive Order

FCW, Jan. 31
According to a White House official who briefed the press before the event, agencies will be required to implement the National Institute of Standards and Technology cybersecurity framework to manage risk…

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Dubliner is CIA's Go-to Smart Guy for Cyber Security Tech Startups

Independent, Feb, 2
He is head of one of the world’s leading cyber security venture capital funds, Paladin Europe which has €320m to invest…

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