Cybergovernance Journal Update – 1/27/17

by | Jan 27, 2017

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The worst way to deal with cybersecurity is to ignore the cyber risk your organization exposes itself to and then cover up evidence of the inevitable breach(es).

Cyber Risk Governance is a Unique Discipline

Cybergovernance Journal, Jan. 23
The term “Cyber Risk Governance” is being used frequently. What is a good definition, and how does it differ from GRC (governance, risk, and compliance)?

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How the Yahoo Probe Points to a Possible Cover-Up

Fortune, Jan. 23
The Securities and Exchange Commission is looking into whether the two breaches should have been disclosed sooner to investors. In the worst case scenario, investigators could conclude actions by Yahoo employees amounted to an illegal cover-up, and possibly even bring criminal charges…

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Superstar Cybersecurity Committee Proposed by Senators

cyberscoop, Jan. 25
The committee would be empowered to write legislation, act as a powerful oversight group, organize investigations, coordinate with the intelligence community and make recommendations to the executive branch. Members would receive direct briefings from the intelligence community…

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Biometrics Emerging as Key Issue for Trump Administration

planet biometrics, Jan. 20
It’s likely his administration will rely on surveillance technologies such as “threat detection algorithms, facial recognition technology, and an expansion of ‘verifiable’ identity solutions both in real life and online…”

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Treasury Agencies Extend Consultation for Rulemaking on Cyber Risk Management Standards

Insurance Business, Jan. 17
The agencies are considering five categories of cyber standards: cyber risk governance; cyber risk management; internal dependency management; external dependency management; and incident response, cyber resilience and situational awareness…

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The Federal Government Must Prioritize Mobile Now

FCW, Jan. 24
Fully 40% of employees at agencies with rules prohibiting personal smartphone use at work say the rules have little to no impact on their behavior, according to a Lookout survey. Further complicating the issue, 64% of IT security leaders say it is very likely that sensitive data is present on their employees’ mobile devices…

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