Cybergovernance Journal Update – 12/11/2015

by | Dec 11, 2015

More companies around the world are coming to realize how vulnerable they are to cyber attack. Recent articles discussed legislation aimed at ensuring cybersecurity standards are met, vulnerabilities to national infrastructure and to businesses, and how cyber affairs impact the marketplace.

Are Organizations Completely Ready to Stop Cyberattacks?

Webroot, Dec. 1
New research on how small and medium businesses are preparing to stop cyberattacks and if outsourcing IT security would increase their cybersecurity. The results that follow cover three countries: US, UK, and Australia. In total, 700 IT decision-makers were surveyed across organizations with 1,000 employees or fewer.

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Expert Panelists Provide Overview of Cybersecurity Landscape

San Antonio ExpressNews, Dec. 9
Chris Cook, a former Air Force officer who is principal at San Antonio Cyber Consultants and director of the Cyber Texas Foundation, said cities such as San Antonio or Houston needed to be as prepared for a cybersecurity event as they are for a natural disaster, with utilities being particularly vulnerable. “In my mind, the cyber IEDs have already been laid in the nation’s infrastructure, and the attack will be at the time of our enemy’s choice,” he said.

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Privacy Concerns Delay Final Passage of Cybersecurity Info-Sharing Bill

USAToday, Dec. 9
Congress passed three different versions of cybersecurity legislation this year in the wake of high-profile hacks of U.S. companies and the federal government.., Despite widespread agreement in Congress on the need to pass a cybersecurity bill, a final compromise on the legislation is taking longer than expected amid disagreements over which piece of legislation has the strongest privacy provisions.

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Global Cyber Security

Evolution of the Cyber Domain: The Implications for National and Global Security

IISS Strategic Dossiers, Dec. 1
Cyber affairs and related issues are highly political and increasingly strategic. In the modern world, state power is not exercised solely through economic and military means. Statecraft is becoming more dependent on the technological, informational and normative elements of power. The new hallmarks of influence are the capacity to develop, disseminate and commercialize products; to control markets, as well as the content and flow of information; and to set the rules of the game.

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The Three Most Effective Steps to Better Cybersecurity

ThreatStream, Dec. 10
You are a cyber security director and you are managing a team of smart, talented individuals. If you could only do three things to make your cyber security better and more efficient what should they be? Keep in mind these steps are not highly technical, but should permeate all decisions guiding your every day choices.

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Cybersecurity is a Team Sport, But It’s No Game

GCN, Dec. 3
It is estimated that roughly 80 percent of exploitable vulnerabilities in cyberspace are a result of poor or nonexistent cyber hygiene — the basic, fundamental protection measures that improve defense while making it more difficult and more expensive for the bad guys to perpetrate an intrusion.

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