Cybergovernance Journal Update – 11/18/16
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A strong cyber risk monitoring framework not only protects your organization from attack, but also augments your existing business strategy.
Cybergovernance: 3 Initiatives for the First 100 Days
Cybergovernance Journal, Nov. 14
A new administration’s priorities are often set within its first 100 days. What should the new administration do to help the country achieve greater levels of cyber maturity and risk mitigation?
Yahoo Knew of Network Intrusion as Far Back as 2014
SC Magazine, Nov. 10
Some individuals within the company were aware of a network systems intrusion by a state-sponsored actor – one that ultimately led to the compromise of over 500 million accounts – shortly after the incident occurred in late 2014…
Cyber Risk Monitoring That Can Advance Business Strategy
Risk&Compliance Journal, Nov. 15
Top executives and managers—particularly those involved in driving strategic business innovations—need to know enough about cyber risk to understand when to engage internal or external experts – see chart below…
Unpacking New York’s Cybersecurity Regulation: Part 1
JDSupra Business Adviser, Nov. 14
For the more than 3,000 financial institutions and insurance companies affected, the regulation’s scope and requirements will require a fresh and in-depth look at their overall cybersecurity preparedness, governance and defenses…
Lockton’s Cyber Guru
Insurance Business, Nov. 14
Lockton says building resilience requires ensuring that effort extends right across the organization. “It includes the people you hire, what access you give them to what information, and how you engage with third-party vendors who deal with your organization. And that all requires a strategy that comes from the top of the firm, starting in the boardroom.”
The Hard Drive: Protecting Against Cyberattacks
Ward’s Auto, Nov. 17
Safety and security in the automotive industry is no longer just about mechanical and physical soundness, but is increasingly about information systems and software… And now the bad news (as if the above issues weren’t bad enough): Directors and officers may be personally liable for cyberattacks.
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