Cybergovernance Journal Update – 10/7/16

by | Oct 7, 2016

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“Inconvenience,” hopelessness, or outright ignorance is not valid basis for cybersecurity strategy — especially when expert help is readily available.

Insiders: Defending Against Hackers Took a Back Seat at Yahoo

Wall St. Journal, Sept. 28
The “Paranoids,” the internal name for Yahoo’s security team, often clashed with other parts of the business over security costs. And their requests were often overridden because of concerns that the inconvenience of added protection would make people stop using the company’s products.

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The Carrot or the Stick? Incentivizing Safe Cyber

War on the Rocks, Oct. 4
Why does the government want to be involved in private sector cybersecurity? Because privately owned infrastructure is at risk and much of that infrastructure enables U.S. government missions. Most importantly, around 85 percent of “critical infrastructure” nationwide is owned and operated by private companies…

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NEW STUDY: “Security Fatigue” Can Cause Computer Users to Feel Hopeless and Act Recklessly

NIST, Oct. 4
The finding that the general public is suffering from security fatigue is important because… so many people bank online, and since health care and other valuable information is being moved to the internet. “If people can’t use security, they are not going to, and then we and our nation won’t be secure,” said cognitive psychologist Brian Stanton.

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Cybersecurity Experts Convene at CNBC Summit as Threats Loom

CNBC, Oct. 4
Cybercrime will cost the global economy $445 billion in 2016 — more than the market cap of Amazon ($397 billion), Facebook ($368 billion) or ExxonMobil ($360 billion) — according to an estimate from the World Economic Forum’s 2016 Global Risks Report.
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KPMG: Half of IT Decision Makers Admit They Don't Have a Cybersecurity Strategy

Healthcare IT News, Oct. 5
73% of the business executives said digital security is on the agenda at board meetings at least quarterly, but only 22% of directors responsible for IT, resilience and business operations said they are fully prepared to combat security breaches perpetrated by organized crime.
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Sixth Circuit: Nationwide Insurance Breach Victims Can Sue

SC Magazine, Sept. 20
Judge White noted that the ruling was in step with several recent appellate court decisions regarding the standing of data breach lawsuits filed against Neiman Marcus (Seventh Circuit), P.F. Chang’s (Seventh Circuit) and Starbucks (Ninth Circuit).

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