Cybergovernance Journal Update – 10/14/16

by | Oct 14, 2016

Government bodies are working to ensure organizations build solid cybersecurity plans, which requires a board of directors who are committed to implementing them, which requires a cyber risk team that can provide actionable intelligence.

The Billion Dollar NIST Assessment

Cybergovernance Journal, Oct. 10
The billion-dollar Yahoo hack vividly illustrates why cyber risk mitigation must start from the top down and why board members should insist on getting the actionable information they need. Verizon wants to reduce the valuation by $1 billion to offset the potential liability resulting from disclosure of the breach…

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What’s Driving Boards of Directors to Make Cyber Security a Top Priority?

HelpNet Security, Oct. 3
Almost half (46%) of board members believe compliance regulations help establish stronger security, but nearly 60% struggle with meeting increased mandates—a nearly 20% jump over the past two years, according to a nationwide survey by Osterman Research…

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New NY Rules On Cybersecurity: The Organizational And Operational Impact

ReedSmith, Oct. 5
Requirements to establish a written cybersecurity program, implement data remediation/minimization, have the board of directors or senior officers certify compliance, and report attempts (successful or not) to gain unauthorized access to information systems – may be more complex than [they] appear…

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G-7 Countries Establish Elements to Target Cybersecurity in Global Finance

Pensions & Investments, Oct. 12
The G-7 — the U.S., Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and the United Kingdom, along with a representative of the European Union — established the non-binding elements “as the building blocks upon which an entity can design and implement its cybersecurity strategy and operating framework, informed by its approach to risk management and culture…

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What You Need to Know About Cybersecurity, Wikileaks, and Bitcoin

The Federalist, Oct. 12
With the increase of hackers and as the government takes a more active role in shutting down bank transactions of companies at their discretion, many consumers are investing in alternate currencies. “The important thing about Bitcoin is not necessarily anything about it’s monetary properties…at its heart it’s important because it’s a censorship resistant protocol,” O’Sullivan said.

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How Boards of Directors Really Feel About Cyber Security Reports

Bay Dynamics, Oct. 9
59% of board members say that one or more IT security executives will lose their job as a result of failing to provide useful, actionable information. Two in five board members do not believe that risk is reduced as a result of their conversations with, and reports from, IT and security executives…

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