How Cyber Aware Is Your Company?

by | Sep 29, 2017

Explore Workplace Issues, Predictions for Tomorrow, Careers and Protecting Infrastructure

October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month (NCSAM), and during the next five weeks, Cybernance will explore issues around cybersecurity and how to create a cyber conscious culture in your organization. Never has the need for cybersecurity awareness been higher. In recent months, we’ve seen unparalleled high-profile cyber breaches that have wreaked havoc not only in companies, but also in entire nations. Nothing has been bigger than the Equifax breach, reaching nearly every household in the U.S.

The Equifax breach comes at a time when both private enterprises and government have been spurred to act  – and act now.  The recently signed cybersecurity executive order and New York’s Department of Finance regulations (DFS) show how both the private and public sectors need to elevate cybersecurity measures.  The status quo of cyber protection is simply no longer acceptable.  Every CEO, CISO and Agency Head in every organization will need to bring their A-game in best practices for cybersecurity.

Cybernance is making NCSAM a platform to talk about the serious issues in organizational security, and how three internal things in any organization – People, Policy, and Process – have a greater affect on your overall cybersecurity resilience than anything else you can do today. In October, we will introduce to you industry influencers and cyber thought leaders through published articles and related content on our website and through social media.

Follow us each week through the following topics:

Week 1 October 2-6 Simple Steps to Online Safety
Week 2 October 9-13 Cybersecurity in the Workplace is Everyone’s Business
Week 3 October 16-20 Today’s Predictions for Tomorrow’s Internet
Week 4 October 23-27 The Internet Wants YOU: Consider a Career in Cybersecurity
Week 5 October 30-31 Protecting Critical Infrastructure from Cyber Threats

Alongside our own Mike Shultz, CEO of Cybernance, you’ll hear viewpoints from industry leaders and influencers with deep expertise in security, infrastructure, governance and NIST standards.

Stay up to date on breaking cybersecurity news and NCSAM information. Check in with us each week on our Resources page for the latest from our cybersecurity experts, and follow us at, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.