Cybersecurity Benchmarking Initiative for Texas Banks

Texas Bankers Association (TBA)

Thank you for participating in the TBA Cyber Benchmarking Study.

Cybernance is an associate member of Texas Bankers Association (TBA). We are honored to have been chosen to collaborate with TBA on the first ever, and most comprehensive benchmarking of the cyber resilience of their many bank members. Once the study has been completed, we look forward to sharing your bank’s results with you as well as a report on the overall cyber resilience across the entire membership. This will allow you to compare your results with similar banks. Remember, your Bank’s data will remain anonymized. We expect participants will have the results in late June 2019, and to give you access to the platform.

What is the TBA Cyber Solution Initiative?

TBA sees a critical need to help its members enhance their cyber security, reduce their cyber risk, and reduce the cost and time required to comply with federal cyber mandates.

To achieve these goals, TBA is collaborating with Cybernance, the leader in cyber risk governance for financial institutions.

What Will Each Participating Bank Receive?

An online dashboard that highlights your bank’s FFIEC CAT results in three ways.

An online report from Cybernance showing your unique, prioritized action plan based on your bank’s FFIEC CAT results.

An opportunity to view your FFIEC CAT data in our online platform for 30 days.

What Will Each Participating Bank Receive?

An online dashboard that highlights your bank’s FFIEC CAT results in three ways.

An online report from Cybernance showing your unique, prioritized action plan based on your bank’s FFIEC CAT results.

An opportunity to view your FFIEC CAT data in our online platform for 30 days.

Why Cybernance? The Cybernance Solution:

  • Dramatically cuts costs and time necessary to complete the FFIEC CAT assessment.
  • Delivers a prioritized action plan for enhancing cyber resilience.
  • Provides a fully automated version of the FFIEC CAT, as well as the NIST CSF framework. FFIEC recommends both.
  • Only cyber risk solution vetted and awarded a SAFETY Act designation by the Department of Homeland Security (DHS).
  • Dramatically reduces first party and third party cyber risks via the platform and its DHS SAFETY Act designation.
  • Enables the board of directors and C-suite to communicate effectively with cyber and compliance specialists in plain language that everyone will understand.
  • Includes an audit feature allowing internal or external auditors to provide assurance of cyber maturity and resilience.

For more information about Cybernance, email us at [email protected].