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Industry Reactions to Trump’s Cybersecurity Executive Order

May 12, 2017

[icon name=”newspaper-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] Security Week

Mike Shultz, CEO, Cybernance: “What’s the difference with this EO vs. actions that the Obama administration took? First, we’ve never had an executive order require all federal agencies to apply NIST to their entire organization. We’ve never had a mandate that requires agencies to build a comprehensive risk and mitigation report for their organization and then report to the president of the Department of Homeland Security and the director of the Office of Management and Budget. The 90-day deadline is a huge lift for an order that requires a cultural shift down to the DNA level of how we view cyber risk.

Kudos to the Obama administration for being a central force in the development of the NIST Cyber Security Framework that President Trump’s executive order now requires federal agencies to use. This executive order lights an intense fire under agency heads to be in compliance, and fast.”

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