Cybersecurity News
Indiana attorney general sues Equifax
[icon name=”newspaper-o” class=”” unprefixed_class=””] The Journal Gazette
Attorney General Curtis Hill filed suit today against one of the nation’s leading credit reporting bureaus for a 2017 data breach.
Indiana is the third state to take legal action against Equifax. Hill is seeking an injunction to require the company to fix cybersecurity flaws as well as pay customers back for any negative impact.
“Data breaches such as this one cause real harm to real people,” he said. “Hoosiers trust us to work hard every day to ensure their safety and security. This action against Equifax results from an extensive investigation, and we will continue our diligent efforts to protect consumers from illegal or irresponsible business activities.”
Almost 148 million Americans had their data breached, including 3.8 million Hoosiers.
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