Cybergovernance Journal Update – 9/23/16

by | Sep 23, 2016

“Based on Gartner, NIST says 30% of U.S. organizations used the framework in 2015, and it expects usage to grow to 50% by 2020″

Which Cyber Risk Oversight Approach is Better - Google, or 23andMe?

LinkedIn Pulse, Sept. 20
Determining the “health” of your cybersecurity strategy is challenging. Knowing when you’ve spent enough on preventive measures seems difficult to gauge. Knowing whether you’re focusing on the right areas is often unfathomable.

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NSA: High-Profile Intrusions Not Inevitable - Poor Cyber Hygiene to Blame

SC Magazine, Sept. 16
There’s no need to blame zero days, a National Security Agency (NSA) official said Thursday. The targets have provided attackers with a wide enough vector through poor cyber hygiene.

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Cyber commission should aim for U.S. global leadership

Fedscoop, Sept. 19
The U.S. should set itself a goal — as it did with President Kennedy’s moonshot — to be the nation with the world’s most cyber-secure infrastructure.

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NY State Cyber Regulation for Banks: A Model?

Lawfare, Sept. 19
One challenge that financial companies might face in the implementation of the proposed regulation as currently framed is that it is structured both as a protective measure, for the companies to which it applies, and also a punitive set of regulations, enforcing the protection of customer data.

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NIST Unveils a Cybersecurity Self-Assessment Questionnaire

BankInfo Security, Sept. 16
NIST issued the builder as a draft and is seeking comments from stakeholders before it publishes a final version of the self-assessment tool.

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